Insects and bees play very important roles in the maintaining the homeostasis and the balance of the environment. The bees help in the blossoming of the marvelous flowers and nutritious fruits and some insects aid in the decomposition and recycling of nutrients and waste products.

All of the wonders of these creatures that were thought to exist even million years ago.  The fact that they have existed ever since means that they
have what it takes for them to survive during those early eras. I am talking about their protective kid_rashmechanisms, skills, and ability and in addition, their harmful stings.

According to Merriam­ Webster, a sting is the act of hurting someone by piercing through the skin with a sharp or pointed part that usually contains poison. At common times, the piercing is tolerable but the poison is a matter that will need to be addressed as an emergency. The bites and the stings of insects are common and usually will cause only a minor irritation. However, if you have a known hypersensitivity, it will elicit an allergic reaction. The insects that bite include mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs, spiders, mites, and ticks. The insects that sting are bees, wasps, and hornets.

Basing the symptoms of a sting from a bee, I saw it with my eyes one time a person was stung in the nape of her neck. The things happened very urgently. At first, she complained of something which was very minute and pin­like sensation on her neck. Suddenly, I saw a bee flew up from the area where she was complaining of. After which, she reported that she could not to see clearly and her vision blurred. A minute after, she lost consciousness. She was rushed to the emergency room of a nearby hospital and was diagnosed with an anaphylactic reaction due to a bee sting.

Along with the symptoms detailed above, the person who was bitten or stung by an insect may experience wheezing or difficulty of breathing, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, rapid heart rate, difficulty in swallowing, confusion, anxiety, or agitation.

Generally, most bites and stings are treated by washing the affected area with soap and water and by placing a cold compress which could be a285x285_Skin_Allergies_In_Children_1 flannel or cloth soaked in cold water over the area to reduce swelling. In cases of a serious reaction, your doctor will possibly prescribe you a medication and you may undergo immunotherapy or desensitization.

It is important to visit your primary care doctor or visit Fast Track Immediate Care and make an appointment for allergy testing so appropriate preventative measures can be taken and serious conditions can be prevented. Fast Track offers allergy testing and urgent care to those who have severe allergic reactions to stings. Visit now at their clinics in Albany, Dublin, Eastman, and Milledgeville or call at 800­811­7369.

Different insect poisons require different antidotes, hence self-medication is strongly discouraged. It is best to listen to the advice and interventions of the doctors at Fast Track Immediate Care.

In order to prevent insect bites and stings, it is important to:

  • use insect repellent and keep your skin covered when outdoors
  • not to panic if you encounter wasps, hornets, or bees and back away slowly
  • do not waive your arms around or swat at them
  • cover your exposed skin
  • wear shoes when outdoors
  • avoid using products with pungent scents
  • never disturb insect nests
  • keep doors and windows closed or put thin netting or door beads over them.

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